My go has gone

Can anyone offer a suggestion as to what may be causing my S1 to be struggling for power? drove it to work before the weekend and it was running fine until I was half way up a hill then the revs dropped back from 5k to 3k’ish and no go to it, struggled to the top of the hill and took about half a mile to coax it from 25mph upto 50. It sounded like a heicopter but ran ok (no nasty noises or temp probs), I eased it to work and a few times it seemed to try and pick up again before spluttering back to struggling. I checked the fuel filters and pump which seem fine so I don’t think its fuel related unless it’s the ECU, checked the air filter and intakes as well all looks to be ok. One thing I considered is the cat, I put the standard exhaust on for it’s mot in march and haven’t put the s/sport & decat back on yet, Going to swap zorsts over again tomorrow to see, but any thoughts in the mean time would be greatly received

Do you have spark on all the plugs?


Do you have spark on all the plugs?


Hi Ian, yes plugs are sparking fine and newly fitted, only covered about 300 miles. No damp around them or the leads and no signs of tracking either. I’m a bit baffled, will have to drop it into my local garage if I can’t find whats going on

Fuel pump on it’s way out?

Fuel pump on it’s way out?

Hadn’t thought of that one, as I can hear the pump prime on ingnition it didn’t cross my mind that the pump might not be 100%. Theres fuel going in as it runs but how much and what pressure I don’t know. Any idea how I check the fuel line pressure?