Motorsport simulator

I might be a long way from home in Slovakia but I just spent an awesome evening back in Cheshire on Oulton Park. It’s the Kosice marathon this weekend and one of the fun zone exhibitors is run by some great Czech guys. I knew they were coming so I asked them last week if they could upload Oulton for me and they obliged :slight_smile:

Just had a two hour lock in session on it, what a piece of kit! My arms and legs are shaking, neck is wrecked, that’s so realistic.

First session was in a v6 cup but it felt very play station. Then he Swopped it for a MP4 12c GTR that was actually digitally mapped, OMG what a phenomenal car.

I started of in the low 1:50s then a 1:43 and the last session 1:40.030 aargh so close but couldn’t get below it.

The good news is that they’re here all weekend in town. I’ll be back! I’ve never driven island bend that fast before!

It’s stunning how real these pieces of kit are. The Elise is going to a new home next week…should I replace it with a virtual one??

You’ve obviously been having some Oulton training from Mr Prosser :laughing:

Nahh Rob, I didn’t go off backwards on cascades…after just renting the in car camera :wink: I’m sure you remember that replay on the tv in the cafe at lunchtime. Cameras, they’re a curse!

That must have been fun Wes. And would fit perfectly next to the snooker table in my Lottery win man cavern!

This ^ I’d love one of the those in my life, you’d never see me. Well you’d really need two so you could have races with your mates/kids.

The simulator their using is Assetto Corsa (AC) as I 'Race" it online with friends a great sim. A fairly decent setup will set you back wheel/pedal/shifter £450. Of course you need a decent spec PC too.

Heres a vid of a nice home setup

Reality or Game? Nissan GTR @ Spa Francorchamps - Assetto Corsa - YouTube

I have a fairly nice setup not as good as that vid but similar, you can also download the Transfargarasan onto AC its gives you the correct left and rights and is pretty fun but graphics are not great as its a user created track. Yes I know its looks sad but when any of my friends come round they cant get off it :wink:

Not on the level above but i have a PS4 based system, paddle shifts and force feedback steering wheel, and using Project cars game you can choose most of the UK tracks and its fantastic practice!..

LMP :slight_smile:

Caterham R500…

LOL - is the fan for when you start sweating ?

Yep :smiley:
With all the electricals on its gets warm!
I have tried to make my system as realistic as possible so the cars break down about 30 minutes into every session :smiley:

:laughing: :clap:

Haha. My missus happened to look across at the screen whilst I was looking at this thread and she gave me the ‘don’t even think about getting one of those’ look :laughing:


run power to the shed at the end of the garden…

Found this comparison between Project cars game and real life footage at Brands…

and if you want to get a bit more serious…