Morning all

Bored. Just thought I’d start a new thread and put it in here to save admin moving it later. :stuck_out_tongue: Hope you’re all well. Took the missus for a drive in my SC Honda Exige over the weekend in pissing down rain. I was wheel spinning to 8000rpm in 1st, 2nd and 3rd at each junction with the nice controllable sideways drift happening. She politely said “Would you please stop that” LOL

Blooming Shelias! :smiley:

Keep quiet please Dave!

Seeing photos of your Exige was partially influential in what I’m doing now… hearing how well the damned thing goes with a S/C Honda lump could be VERY hazardous to my wallet! :stuck_out_tongue:

Who’s missus was it?

My missus won’t ride in my car… result, as far as I’m concerned :smiley:

Don’t blame me George. I can’t help it if you have weak self control.

BTw my number is +61 2 48721944 :wink:

is that won’t ride in your car or won’t be seen out with you in daylight hours :stuck_out_tongue:

Both :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Who’s missus was it?

My missus won’t ride in my car… result, as far as I’m concerned :smiley: [/quote]

Too right the missus does not like the Lotus and I dont like shoe/handbag shopping (her past time)

Shut up the lot of you - I’m trying to sleep!!

what at this time :smirk:

How’s things over there lads? Spring here. Beautiful sunny days 25-28C. Long weekend coming up. Pure bliss.

oh feck off.

Its cold and damp here and plagued by jitterbugs :wink:

Couldnt agree more :sunglasses:


[quote]oh feck off.

Its cold and damp here and plagued by jitterbugs :wink: [/quote]

It’s also a bit Lindy. Hop things improve. :slight_smile: