More presence than a Lambo…

We went up to London today for a bit of a family get together, now, I don�t usually relish the prospect of a hour and a half drive into London, but my day instantly became better when I managed a precious few seconds gawp at a 997 GT3 that glided passed us just as we left home, and, after following an M6 for a bit of the way, the journey was starting not to seem so bad, then, what should I see on the opposite side of the M40, but a black Honda Exige (Ben?); but, and this is the bit that really surprised me, even after seeing such pieces of exotica, and even after an AMV8 came past, it was the S1 that still had (to me at least) the most presence, the most impact out of all of them, to be honest I was surprised just how good it looked, and just how much charisma it had� this was until we passed (that�s passed) a stunningly beautiful Lamborghini Murcielago, at which point I realised that not even the pared-back racer that is the Exige, can stand up to 12 cylinders of rampant Italian ponies�

Still though, especially on the roads, the Exige somehow has that straight out of Le Mans feel, and although it may not have more presence than a Lambo, it certainly is a genuine little exotic, God I love �em�

Merry Christmas

Yup that would have been me in convoy with Janey & Son (who were in the A2) for a family christmas in Warks. You see we had too much stuff to fit in the Audi so I had to take the Exige too I was therefore out for a drive early on Xmas morning waking up the villagers of Warks God I love that car.

Tsk young David,…Murci indeed…i’d ave im in the corners;)

Merry Christmas everybody

Whoever designed the Exige S1 is a genius.In my personal opinion it is a more cohesive design than even the iconic Mclaren F1.It has so many stunning features, from the classic Gp-C nose to the Kamm cut-off tail-even the side intakes are superb(compared to the S2 for example).Clear engine cover,roof intake,side windows,rear wing-the whole thing is beautifully proportioned.