More Fiat than Lotus

Hey all, so per title, not an Exige thread, but I thought collectively you might offer some advice. I was in Italy last week, it was my wife’s birthday and I “accidentally” brought a lovely 1967 Fiat 500 for her… She always wanted one and has a current 500. It won me a few brownie points and it’s a great little car .

Now home it’s just organising moving it! Without any suggestions of driving it back as 25bhp and 40-50mph from Rome doesn’t appeal… Has anyone else done similar have any recommendations?? I think a shipping agent will be about £850 (can anyone recommend one?).

I have thought about driving down and towing it back. I have a large estate car, I wouldn’t want to trek down towing an empty trailer, I thought about getting a towing dolly or towing solid bar so I could drive down smoothly with it in the boot and hook up there so just one trip with something out back. I don’t know the realities of using an a-frame/dolly/fixed tow bar for towing a car that distance and if allowed.

A shipper may be the answer, but interested to test the options. Any ideas, I’ve not done similar before.

I’ll post a pic of the tiny car later if of interest :wink:

Ha ha brilliant. Save yourself any aggro, get it shipped to you’re door step. Job done and happy days.

Enjoy btw. :smiley:

We brought my wife’s back from offshore.
Hayling Island.
Good luck

Get it shipped, unless you want another nice driving holiday to Rome? £850 is not worth your time surely?

There is a pretty good car transport system by train across europe, that might be an option?

Thanks For feedback all. And nice to see another 500 on the forum !

Not a bad shout Kerry. I think a carriage company is the likely answer for ease and cost.

Give this guy a try.

The company is owned by a guy called Lee, he’s a really good friend of mine. His mobile number is: 07729 346897.

Tell him Sean sent you.

That’s great thanks Sean I’ll give him a call.

Met him at Zolder, nice bloke.

Lizard Logistics has a good rep