Monthly NW Meet 7th March

Just a quick reminder - 7.30 ish at the Wrights Arms, in Belmont near Bolton.Expect to see a posse of Caterrham 7s, & hopefully the gorgeous Ultima GTR again [image][/image] as well as 3 Exiges.Just in case anyone is not familiar with an Ultima, it’s like an Exige on steroids - all 550 bhp of it [image][/image][This message has been edited by Pesky (edited 06 March 2001).]

So the Ultima GTR actually IS the three Exiges?! [image][/image] Hell! Anyone got a pic?

MarcusTake a look at this - & drool [image][/image]

Cool [image][/image] ! Interesting. Damn fast, I guess… but also damn ugly. I would not want to swap it for my Exige… but I’m kind of crazy anyway [image][/image] But look at that gorgeous colour-combination! That would fit neatly to the Exige, don’t you think?

Bugger, only just read the thread so can’t make it.(I say that every time don’t I ?)Oi ! Pesky, gis-a-bit more notice next time ya muppet [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by Paws:So the Ultima GTR actually IS the three Exiges?! It’s a fugly bubble-roofed car alright.But 500 BHP/Tonne can’t really be sniffed at.Their site says "prices for the new GTR are not what we’d call budget, but a comprehensive kit package kicks off at �14,856 + VAT and fully built cars can be yours for as little as �45,000 + VAT"That’s �53,000 - at todays rate you could buy 2 Exiges for that, or a supercharged version and still have �15K+ spare.Horses for courses I guess… it beats buying a Porsche though.

Whoa there Mr Admin!I recall sending you a personal email a couple of weeks reminding you, & offering B&B into the bargain [image][/image]May I suggest that you enter the FIRST WEDNESDAY of every month into your “Outlook Calender” (or similar)as NW MEET [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]Hope to see you on Sunday at Donny.

quote:Originally posted by Pesky:Whoa there Mr Admin!I recall sending you a personal email a couple of weeks reminding you, & offering B&B into the bargain [image][/image]Did I get that E-mail ? Or was it around the time we had troubles with this site ?Damn.Hope to see you on Sunday at Donny.I’ll be there !