Monaco 2003 Run :D

Afternoon guys…Having spoken to a few of you like minded petrolheads already it is the intention of having a little jaunt to warmer climes at Easter time next year.Dates are Thursday 17th April to Monday 21st/ Tues 22ndHaving done a similar run this year in the Exige and having had a FANTASTIC drive I am certainly doing it again…twisty roads…tunnels tunnels… hmm did i say tunnels??, and of course TOP TOTTY ( otherwise known as average French birds for those who are married)…The PLANMeet in Ashford , Kent on the Thursday night… early Tunnel crossing on Friday morning…Friday night in Marsailles… early morning to Monaco for Sat and Sun night,then return MOnday for and evening tunnel crossing or stopover for a Tuesday departure.I appreciate its a long drive so its really how everyone feels for the stopovers.The COST???There is a really good B + B in Monaco at approx �49.00 per room per night and this includes garaged parking!!. Ashford has a good Travel Lodge close to the Tunnel.THE MILEAGE… allow 2000 - 2500(including a drive into Italy)A few guys from Lotus are going and it would be good to see as many as possible…so this will be posted on NORLOG…, and BBS.If anyone has any questions please email me but I would like a general show of hands initially so the Hotel in Monaco can be organised as it gets booked quite early.JOHNO

Ok… 2 exiges now going on this one together with 5 Elises confirmed so far.Anyone else??JohnO

Damn!!I meant