
As the title says, my mojo has gone. Vanished :frowning:

I am talking about the Lotus of course. Job is ok, me and the Mrs are fine, Sherman is a diamond as ever, but the car mojo has gone.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love the thing and have no plans to part with it, but I have not driven it now since November. It sits in the garage in need of a wash, with the trickle charger plugged in.

Today I went into the garage & opened the car door, looked in, and closed it again. Sat in the garden with Sherman in the sun and enjoyed a beer. I simply cannot be @rsed with the car.

Anglesey is around the corner and I don’t know if the first time I sit in the car this year will be the trip down.

Anyone else?


Least you have Anglesey to look forward to Tim.
I parked mine up at the start of November and have only opened the door to refresh the peppermint oil in the footwell!!
Possibly selling my house which may scupper any plans I did have for the future.

You’ll be fine when the good weather comes…

It’s just the weather Tim.

Picked mine up from wintering at the mother-in-law’s yesterday and was surprised to be reminded how special it is. So simple, so focused, so capable, so stunning.


Probably due to a long crap winter Tim.

The great tapestry of life. Do other things for a bit and then when it’s time to unfurl the beast, it’s special again.

yeah I’ve been the same, new company taking up 99% of my (non family) attention.

That being said took it down to the kart track and even on a short trip was reminded how ballistic it is.

Give it a clean, pop it back in garage and you’ll feel better knowing it’s ready n waiting.

This :clap:

Maybe you should trade it in for a Porsche :smiley:


I agree. I changed jobs in November, done nothing but work, family & sleep in the months inbetween. My car has been tucked away since October. Started it and warmed the fluids through twice, no time for anything else. But take plenty of pleasure knowing its ready when time frees up.

I’d rather have it and not have any time for it at the the moment, than not have it and regret It! Come some sunny days all will feel right again.

But definitely not going to put it onto SORN next year, I’m going to leave the opportunity open for those rare winter sunny mornings to go for a spin…

The last time I drove mine was the exiges day last year, its been parked up since. Its now sorn and the MOT ran out in last July. Life, work and a 10 month old have seriously put on hold car things, but others have said, just come back to it after a break refreshed. I occasionally tinker with the build but its an odd hour grabbed at a weekend.

Yup not driven mine since July last year,…and that last time it broke and I wanted to put a match to it. It’s now had lots of attention and I cannot wait to get it back!

With professional/family life is as busy as this I’ve made a special point of writing lots of car events onto the family-planner that lives in the kitchen. Exiges at Anglesey, TLF at Brooklands, LDC at Donington Fast Car Festival, MLOC at Chatsworth and that’s before I’ve written on all the trackdays…and there’s a LOT of trackdays :sunglasses:

I also think that its been a long miserable winter and your Mojo’s just a bit flaccid and needs some attention,…get some things in your diary Tim.

Can’t agree more. It’s been shite up here. Planned for northern chapter outing today but in the end, other things and the salted roads put paid to that idea.
All will be well when you head south to Anglsey,Tim.

Not driven my car for two years now , it’s just sat in the garage , I haven’t even had the recall done yet , I’m just to busy with everything else , I plan to get booked in for a service and recall work done this spring and see what the dealer will offer me for it although everyone is telling me not to sell , it would be strange not to have a Lotus as this is the 4th one since 2002 .

A bit of salt…rain…you bunch of girls! :laughing: I’m struggling to keep to my 5000 mile annual limit at the moment!


Just a thought but if your going to have a car parked up in your garage as an ornament there are worse looking cars to of picked :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Well mine’s an Evora, so yes, you are correct :mrgreen:

I am hoping to be clocking up the miles in mine soon too. All booked up for the North Coast 500 in July and really looking forward to it.
Anglesey first though :wink:
Looking at doing Croft or Hethel this Summer. I know I am a slow driver on track, but I do enjoy driving my Exige :smiley:

Ooh, bit jealous of the North Coast 500. It’s on my list. Can you detail your plans?

The Missus and I are booked in for late August ( midges will be gone by then).
PM me if you want me to bore you with details but hiring a car from Inverness rather than driving all the way up

That’s got to be one of the Exige trips when it’s back together. Very cool.