Mk1 Exige Bodywork - Genuine - SOLD

Due to change of plans I am selling a full set of panels for a Mk1 Exige. To include :

Front clam
Front splitter
Rear clam - one piece
Engine cover - perspex type - but also have motorsport type.
Front sill extenders.

These panels are all genuine Lotus items not cheap copies that don’t fit properly.

�2500 Tony 07879444590

I think that is a bloody good deal if they are in good condition.

Hi Sean, engine cover is your old one (orange) :slight_smile: Front clam and splitter are excellent and freshly painted Exige red. Rear clam needs a small amount of work, a few nicks. Has had boot box cut out to provide better access and also has the two slots for motorsport uprights. Roof is standard and in good condition. I don’t rally want to sell but I am founding out quickly how much weddings cost !

I could really do with this but I’m in a similar position to you having learned at the end of last year just how expensive weddings are. :frowning:


Wedding was cheap :slight_smile:

Mortgage and Kids are the killers ;(

Then Uni :wink:

For better or worse :smiley:

I was Lotusless for 12 years :wink: ( but I’m ok now)

Not lotusless yet Simon but down to two!!!

Its not good!

My wedding cost more than twice what I paid for my last Elise! :frowning:


p.s. Kids are expensive but I don’t mind that. They’re brilliant! :slight_smile: Unlike the pointless fancy weeding! Mumble mumble! :frowning:

Open to offers and may sell seperately if price right :slight_smile:

Can’t believe these haven’t been snapped up - I think there’s a guy on Seloc classifieds after some S1 Exige clams Tony?

Cheers Phil I’ll have a look. I did think someone would snap them up, original panels must be like hens teeth these days. I know from experience how badly fitting some of the aftermarket stuff can be.

Here is a link for some pics :
