mixed week

On Thursday early evening I took the car to get fuel for a Lot activity day on the Friday.
It was booked to give Cameron his first drive of the car as a well done for passing his A levels.
Anyhow, hit up the jacksie at speed by a drugged up woman. Called police who attended immediately and were fantastic ( yes , I had to check I’d written that). She’s been arrested and is out on bail.
She was insured, have been in touch with insurer and it looks like all will go through. Even offered me something for my neck injury. ( I may hold on a bit longer as my sister is one of the largest (fat) personal injury lawyers (scum) in the country :laughing: )
After bending things back in place, the car is driveable.
Sadly, worse was to follow.
Cameron beat me on the timed lap.

Drying track
had warmed tyres.
Less fuel
Only him on board
etc etc.

Do I have to pass the household title of 'Billy Big Bollocks ’ over now?

Great post, given all the circumstances. Hope all goes well with car repairs & the search for your new title. :smiley:

So it takes your boy too make you realise you drive like a pussy!!
Glad you and the car are ok…

:laughing: :laughing:
Amazed that the car was ok for the activity day. Good news.

Can we actually call you Dr. Big Bolloxs from now on :smiley: Your son could be William Jnr. :thumbup:

Sorry to hear about your car though mate, how did you know she was Stoned btw?

Something about “the older I get the faster I was.!”
I,'ve got 1 daughter who,s much faster than me to the extent she was once offered a sponsored drive!
:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
Keep smiling

30 years in the business.
The traffic guy phoned me up that evening and said she had failed the impairment test ‘spectacularly’.

Drug dealer??? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh no I’m both counts!!

Hope the car gets fixed quickly.

I know my son James will be hunting me down as soon as he’s allowed behind the wheel. That means I’ve got a decade of practice to try and put some clear water between my dodgy helmsman skills and his youthful talent!!

Maybe not, I got my son going in a mk2 Escort on rally track at the age of 12, he could slide it from the off (Xbox skill) and got offered a drive in a 911.

Don’t tell me that Keith!

He’s already told me that he want to go and watch the Rally in Wales this November instead Sof having an 8th birthday party :crazy:

Good lad!

He’s welcome to invite me.


Take him to Rally School Ireland for his birthday, as long as he can reach the pedals he can drive. They have a Ford Rally Ka for youngsters. Tell David I recommended you and I promise you a brilliant time. Great little track, Irish warmth, lots of nice cars to drive. First time I went I got to drive a Metro 6r4 and group B Audi. Sadly, they no longer have them as the youngsters had no idea what they were.

Leo got offered his 911 ice drive by Tuthill Porsche on his second visit…he did not want to do it, too busy at the skate park :frowning: