misery loves company

Two things this week:

Two idiots trying to flee the police tried to hide in the gardens on our block, but when I99 came overhead (London’s copper chopper) they tried to break into our house to hide. Door is strong though, so resisted. However they then decided to try the neighbours and climbed over my rear clam to get over the fence.

Anyway, dogs found them and they were in cuffs soon enough. I’ll get Steve to polish out the slight scuff.

Then; Mums got a 59 plate mk6 golf GTI with 40k on it (FSH), with the ea888 based (I think) 2.0 TFSI lump, and went to start it the other day and it just cranked over. Bloody chain tensioner had failed, timing way out and now lost compression on 2&4! Suspected bent valves.

Garage are also saying that they’re inundated with bottom ends going, as up to 2012 the piston and ring selection was from cadburys.

On the plus side my merc is back, and it’s like a new toy as it’s too easy to forget what 450lb of torque is like. Also my gearbox it’s looking ace in the pics from TDI.


Eventful then Tim.

That sucks mate…but at least they failed to gain entry.

Also in positive news in 10weeks we’re going to Anglesey then Spa after that etc etc :sunglasses: it will be interesting to see how your car goes with your funky slippy diff!

Lots to look forward and keep life’s inevitable shit at bay!

That is crap mate!

TEN WEEKS though… :astonished:

yeah better get cracking eh. Engine is still on the floor, loom torn in half, and gearbox in half.

today was spent in A&E as my daughter managed to get washing machine liquid in her eyes.

That’s my 3rd thing, bad luck over :smiley:

Yeah you better get busy with the spanners dude,…shakedown on 21st Feb eh!!

I hope A is ok,…kids eh.

yeah must get a wriggle on really.

Hopefully box back soon then bits can go back onto the car