Mille Miglia pics

Sorry if I’ve taken up valuable memory, Andy.

Great pictures Steve. Bet your hair got blown about in that Bugatti!

Great pictures Steve, keep them comimg :smiley: I’m sure Mrs T has enjoyed her anniversary break :wink:

@thommo : Perfect! Thanks for using it! :slight_smile:

If you bought Mrs Thommo the Bugatti then I want to come visit noooooooooowwwwwwww :smiley::smiley::heart_eyes:

Brilliant Steve, empty the camera roll mate.

Thanks, fellas I have lots to show you. So I’ll post soon.

Here are some snappy pics

Well, that’s weird. Only one pic. I tried to post at least half a doz. will try again

Dunno… ANDY! :smiley: