Mike's Anglesey 2016 photos

Guys, I’m no professional photographer and my selection of subjects was by no means scientific but if there is a shot of you or your car in here please freel free to downlaod and shre but crdits where appropriate, please.

This link should take you to my Flickr album of the event. All photos should be downloadable. (there are two pages of photos)



Thanks Mike

Awesome pictures Mike. Just received the BAT pics link, and have to say that yours are a notch above.

Liked this one.

IMGP4149 by Mike Stripe, on Flickr

How did you get it that dirty Yvonne? Should have taken the Discovery.

The picture of the 2-11 heading away from the camera - seemingly into the Irish Sea! - with the heat haze coming off it is very impressive!!

“So tell me about this secret super quick line at Church corner Yvonne…”

Great pics Mike, you’ve really captured the spirit of the event.

I recall that when we did the Motorsport photography that the people shots were always the most popular,…especially a particular driver’s wife :smiley:

Many thanks for posting the link, Mike - great photos, which I really enjoyed viewing :clap:

Also good to see that SJW has re-installed the roof :mrgreen:

Not for long
The clocks have just gone forward and that is the normal changeover criteria :sunglasses:

Watch out for “Katie” - she’ll soon rip off yer silly tarpaulin(e) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Brilliant photos…

Who was in the porker blue s21tus I went to look at this and nearly bought it… I still pine after it to this day. I wondered where it went…

Great photos thanks, Mike!

Wow that’s my car! What a great picture :slight_smile:

Ben, After 15 years of organising all sorts of motor sport events, every Tuesday morning we’d get hundreds of photos of our events from both professional and amateur photographers. We tended to stick with using stuff from a few regulars because, in truth, most of the photos were technically perfect photos of wonderful motor cars but which often conveyed no hint of the activity being photographed. In a previous career I was taught to use a camera properly to take forensic photos; they too had to be technically perfect. But the result of that knowledge and experience is that, whilst my photos are usually technically incompetent, they are carefully composed and, hopefully, have some atmosphere. I’m glad you like them.

In my opinion, digital cameras make it so much easier to concentrate on composition but so many ‘proper’ photographers still sacrifice that in the search for technical excellence.

I don’t suppose you have a picture to hand? Just for a research project I’m running, obviously.

And none of Dennis! Come on Mike show me the little red Caterham :smiley:

I did say that my subject selection wasn’t very scientific… And it’s your own fault if you chose not to be on circuit while I was taking snaps :wink:

None of mine either :frowning:

Ha ha oh Mike, come on lol

There you go

Great shots Mike!