Mid Engined - Oulton Park

Great results for regulars exiges.com Kinetic (Steve Taylor), Russ, Azreal (Steve Hibbert) & Tarmac Terrorist (Gavan), with special big thumbs up for Steve with a “double”

For some reason, the MST are showing it as “Island” circuit, instead of the full “International”


Great stuff. Wish I could have been there (sob)


Well done gents. See you at Donnington

Great results there guys!
I don�t suppose anyone has a few pics they might be able to post up .


Thanks muchly for the guys who made the trip over yesterday, it is great to see the Lotus spirit - I do not think any other manufacturer gets such support from the owners.

Actual results were 2nd in Mid-engined, first in class and third overall in the enduro, so came home with three trophies!!! Nearly have a full set now, just need a first in MESC - now where did I put that supercharger???!

Having posted my fastest lap in qualifying stuck in fifth gear, we started from fifth on the grid and with probably my worst start of the season
did not make much up until into Cascades.

We were keeping up with the 300+ bhp boys until I missed a gearchange coming out of Cascades - probably the worst place to do it - but were catching them under braking and through the corners. The car was handling better than it ever has and was great to be on the limit and know you were going to come out of corners like Druids and Old Hall with the taps wide open and drifting slightly on the exit. Unfortunately a little too wide down Cascades on one occasion when I was on the grass and lost one half of the front splitter - a great job was done once again by the Edwards Boys and Sean to put it back. The Audi then blew a hose off the rad and retired, Steve had a moment on the dropped fluids and we only finished 1.33 secs behind. Bugger!

We had a few last minute disasters (as usual) and the Pit Crew cannot be thanked enough for getting a few jobs done, just in time (as usual), including a fuel leak, broken splitter, replace gear change clip (Off Edwards Juniors Elise!), replace broken rose joint and a few others I cannot remember. Thanks also to Tony Pearman for the loan of a rose joint off his gearchange, without which we would have been stuffed, and was returned to him in a rather different shape than original.

Also starring were Sean Bicknell and Mark Hill who both received their VVR T shirt for acting as stand-in spanner monkeys. Oh and Pesky who just made us look good.

Cheers Chaps!

Great results there guys!
I don�t suppose anyone has a few pics they might be able to post up .



Cheers . Love this one:



I had a great day and really enjoyed myself, so much better than the first days racing at Silverstone national back in July (what a boring track that is :snooze:).

I was a little dissapointed with the turnout for the mid engined race tbh as I was expecting at least 1 or 2 others there that either had a similar power output or had never been to the track before (maddog and sean). So I qualified 9th and in last place (again) although this time I was only four tenths of a second off the next 2 on the grid rather than over 2 seconds at Silverstone. I got an absolutely blinding start off the lights and jumped a few places straight away only to find Russ half way up start straight just about stopped dead… I had a quick look up the pit wall but there was just not enough room to squeeze by and I had to come back off the power a little, bugger!! Another 1/2 meter mate and I’d of had you and the guy in the m400 dilly dallying around in front of you with the speed I was carrying by that point!! Next time I wont be so kind…

I ended up having a good old ding dong with Steve Hibbert for over half the race though where I was just about managing keep him behind until I fluffed the gear change exiting the first chichane after Shell oils hairpin. I hit fifth instead of third and in my vain attempt to get any drive out of the thing up the hill I ended up riding the clutch very badly. By the time I realised what was happening and got it back into third, Steve had flew past and I was left with no clutch and still trying to get up the bloody hill…Oh well you live and learn. The clutch had just about fully recovered by the next lap but Steve had dissappeared a good 100 yds infront of me. I did start to reel him back in when all the fluid went down at the back end of the track as I could see him struggling on the racing line so I took to the ‘karters’ wet line and found some grip but it was all to late. I Started at the back in 9th and finished at the back in 5th…Pretty consistent then but the main thing was that I finished .

The endurance race was a slighty different matter though and I have to admit I was pretty impressed with my own performance. I knocked nearly 2 seconds off my mesc qualifying time and got the laps down to under 2 minutes. I was sitting 10th out of 21 qualifiers until the last minute when I got pushed back into 11th by Phil Bennet and Co. in there Aston. Another good start although the red and yellow 355 challenge got past me going down into cascades and then proceed to hold me up around the back half of the circuit wher I was on his bumper pushing him hard to make a mistake (just didnt have the grunt to get past even siting in his draft). secong half of teh race was not as intense and was pretty much running around by myself although I had jumped the 355 in the pit stop. the rest of the race was chasing down the 2 Astons which were in 7th and 8th, which I was gaining on rapidly only for the race to get red flagged with one off the Sunbeam tigers wiping itself out at cascades. So I finished 9th in the end and I believe (not actually look at the results yet) second in class behind Russ. Wehey!!

All in all a brilliant afternoons racing and I cant wait till the next round.

Thanks must go out to everyone who gave me kind words of encouragmnet thoughout the day, cheers guys

It must feel so cool to be able to say that you were held up by a Fezza!
Top report as well .


Great results there guys!
I don�t suppose anyone has a few pics they might be able to post up .


Gutted that I could not make it…baby still not arrived and Oulton was just too far away I washed the car instead and went out for a quick blat (as much as is possible in London)…god I love my car

Tap made it though and so will be putting up a gallery shortly. I’ll post the link as soon as I know it.

Well done to the guys that ran. Roll on Donny where let’s hope everyone makes it onto the grid.

What a brilliant day

Big well done to Russ and Gav

Great to see so many Exige.commers there

Everyone really must get to Donington for the last round Pesky’s buying the beers

Ben best of luck with future parenthood

Exiges.com rocks

Glad you all enjoyed it!

So Russ, has driving GT3s helped?


well done guys…

wish it wasn’t so far away…

Yeah, was a great day, wish my car had been there with me. As has been mentioned, spent most of the day with the Edwards boys lying under Russ’s car.

Simon, I guess I missed you, I gave the exhaust flexi section to Tony Pearman as he said he would be seeing you.


Was good to meet up with you all, well done to Russ + Gav.

I was stunned when Gav told me he had driven his Elise down from Newcastle and was driving it back !! With all the other stripped out ninja prepared cars it was funny to see he still had his car stereo to keep him company on the drive back !!

With all the other stripped out ninja prepared cars it was funny to see he still had his car stereo to keep him company on the drive back !!

Didn’t you see him changing cds, whilst negotiating “Knickerbrook” on his 3rd lap?

Good to see you again, Mr Admin

By my calculations the stereo weighs no more than the beer that the other lads consumed the night before

Glad you all enjoyed it!

So Russ, has driving GT3s helped?


Ian, I guess going down around 100 bhp helps - easier that way than the other, but I guess the confidence levels are up in general anyway having had the experience.

Cheers Sean - with all the excitment clean forgot about it - pay you at Donington

Best of luck getting engine sorted…

Congratulations to all you guys. It must have been another excellent race. Unfortunately, I could make it, so probably I�ll see you in Dony.
Russ, great best lap time. Well done mate. I am sure you�ll complete your trophy variety sooner than you think!