MESC @ Silverstone Gallery Is Up!!

Gallery is up and can be found here!!!

Enjoy. Prints are of course available per usual.

It was a great day,…I hope the pics help share it with those that could not be there.

Sorry there is no endurance race pics with the VVR victory. Sounds a bit lame but we only have to provide MESC coverage. I took a couple of pics at the end of the race that I put in the other thread.

Sometimes I do like to actually watch the racing and hang out in the pits instead of being on my own with the camera on some remote bit of the circuit

Splendid Tap & Ben!


Great pictures!!

Great pics Ben, I think this rather odd shot probably shows Pesky�s new colour scheme off best�



Yes fanatstic Ben, lots of my car!!! I would like a few of those printed up for the office wall, something to cheer me up on a shitty day let you know which ones.

Gret Pics Ben

Fantastic pictures guys.

Fantastic pictures guys.

Cheers for all the comments guys

Steven I think Tap’s exact words were “If Steven does not have a print of this shot then he needs shooting”…but then again J is his own biggest fan ,…no offence Tap if you read this,…you know we loves yer

Fantastic pictures guys.

Cheers for all the comments guys

Steven I think Tap’s exact words were “If Steven does not have a print of > this shot > then he needs shooting”…but then again J is his own biggest fan ,…no offence Tap if you read this,…you know we loves yer

No worries. I feared for a moment that it was going to be my mugshot!

I’ve just been choosing prints and I must say that I think we’re really lucky on this forum that TSU choose us as a subject matter, I’ve followed motorsport for a long time now and I think that it’s easily some of the best photography you’re likely to see. Things like this are a perfect example.

Good work guys.

Really appreciate sentiment like that, it makes processing shots for the gallery at 2am on Monday night worthwhile

Ultimately Tap and I both do it because we love Cars, Motorsport and Motorsport photography and because we (well Tap at least) think we can take better coverage than most of the dross you see out there.

We don’t really make a dime when you consider that we pitch up at circuits around the country with ����� worth of gear and then spend at least another man days effort to put the gallery up.

It is so damned hard to get Media-Passes and seems to depend on whether you either work for an agency or get on with the Press Officer. As Tap probably indicated, due to the latter we are not even welcome at some series despite being popular with teams and drivers.

As an Exige owner I obviously love MESC events and a bit of sales activity means we can keep Tap interested. Even by his own admission though, the social side of our attendance at MESC events is as valuable to us as furthering TSU. We both had to keep reminding ourselves on Saturday that we were actually supposed to be taking photos and not just chatting with drivers/teams

Cheers guys your support is much appreciated.

Absolutely stunning pics, Ben. How on earth did you get the oranges to come out true on Russ, Gav and Pesky’s cars?


its not easy


Excellent photo’s as usual guys!

I must say that I think we’re really lucky on this forum that TSU choose us as a subject matter, I think that it’s easily some of the best photography you’re likely to see.

I’m with you on that statement. Who’s that Sutton bloke who takes all the F1 shots, he should have a look at your guys work, I’m sure he may learn something!!

Fantastic pictures guys.

Cheers for all the comments guys

Steven I think Tap’s exact words were “If Steven does not have a print of > this shot > then he needs shooting”…but then again J is his own biggest fan ,…no offence Tap if you read this,…you know we loves yer

No worries. I feared for a moment that it was going to be my mugshot!

I’ve just been choosing prints and I must say that I think we’re really lucky on this forum that TSU choose us as a subject matter, I’ve followed motorsport for a long time now and I think that it’s easily some of the best photography you’re likely to see. Things like > this > are a perfect example.

Good work guys.


Did nobody else notice the bird with the short skirt on
bending over in the paddock??

And I really like this shot even though its not my car… Strange cos you dont see many pics of the rear end on track yet I think they can be some of teh best.

Can’t believe the wing on this:
[image] - tsuphoto Resources and Information.
its not Pesky’s old car and he’s just swapped it for the orange one

Did nobody else notice the bird with the short skirt on
bending over in the paddock?? - tsuphoto Resources and Information.

You got the right photo there???

As in what Gav’s looking at.