Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone , have a good one ! :slight_smile:

Just got home, I’m on it. Have a great one

Catering for 10 tonight at home. SWMBO is doing everything and wont let me in the kitchen
I seem to be in trouble for everything, whether I am guilty or not. :confused:
Keep finding that a trip out to my garage gets me into even more bother :crazy:
Off now to see if I can sneak into the kitchen to nick some pringles

Happy Christmas to All

Happy Christmas all, hope to see some of you in 2016.
First day back on shift tomorrow so let’s see how many burnt turkeys there are!
Stay safe :slight_smile:

Bhaaaaaa humbug

If you are still at work ( and I knew you were as a receipt has just come through) then you must have loads of work, loads of orders and ,therefore, loadsamoney. So Baa humbug yerself.

I’ll open one for you Dave.

See you in the NY, have a good one .

Merry Christmas Exigers and non Exigers! Have a great holidays :smiley:

Merry Christmas everyone.

sjw, had to laugh that’s spot on to what’s been happening around here. If only we could read minds :wink:

Merry Christmas all,

Have a great holidays.

This is the first xmas for me where my little one knows what’s going on, so it’s somewhat recaptured the magic!

Recaptured! What do you mean :smiley: …

Santa’s just made his delivery in our house whilst the kids are sleeping soundly :smiley: Now, the house is quiet for a few hours before the excitement erupts in the morning.

Merry Christmas to all the lads and lasses!

Merry Christmas to all you Exigers!

All the best everyone - hope 2016 is good for you all too :wave:

My kids have just got in from the club. Changing times! Merry Christmas one and all.

Merry Christmas everyone. Just off to open the bar :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas, just about to sit down for lunch :slight_smile:

I’m a bit late wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, so I will be early with the Happy New Year side of things.

Have a good one chaps!!!

Happy New Years exigers,…LOTS of fun to come in 2016

Happy New Year chaps