One advantage of being ‘down under’… we get to the Christmas Day 13 hours ahead of you guys… :clap:

… and get to open presents earlier too!

Merry Christmas to one and all, and to echo Ade’s post a while back, to being part of the best forum on the www! :sunglasses:

Have a great day guys and girls and a safe and happy festive season to you all!

Pete :smiley:

Worst ‘I cant wait to open my presents as I am a big child…’ :laughing:
Merry Christmas Pete and Happy new year
When you due back in blighty mate? Your still due a ride or two in the car.

Great stuff Dave!

I am having a ‘quickie’ AndyD type visit in January for 2 weeks! The back for 5 weeks in March… and Anglesey in 118bhp!

Excited here too… bought another classic ‘aluminium based’ transport road vehicle!

Have a great one mate… and YES, I do look forward to some sequential fantastic experience!!!

Pete :>))

Merry Christmas Everyone. Have a good one.

Christmas greetings to all Exiges and their kin everywhere! :smiley:

Dear Community,
Merry Christmas and here’s to the near- end of a pig awful year. Onward and upwards.
Hope to see the rear ends of many of you next year (on track obviously)

Merry Christmas •<:{|>

That’s clever!

merry christmas all!

Merry Christmas lads :sunglasses:

Merry Christmas all :smiley:

And from me too. Just time to start the goosing the wife. Oops, sorry cooking the goose :blush:

Goose and Hirondelle ,…you are stuck in the 1970’s.

We’re having Swan…reliving the 70s too, the 1770s :smiley:

Happy Christmas chaps.
One more night to go and I can head home to celebrate tomorrow.
Hope to see some of you next year…

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry christmas


I’m telling Her Majesty

I’m sure Her Maj would not begrudge one of her loyal Exige-wielding subjects just one of the aggressive buggas!

Still got indigestion though…that is one greasy mofo :smiley:

Well done to you and all the other lads keeping us safe over Xmas. Yup hope we’ll meet up next year…