Merry Christmas Pesky

Today was “Christmas Day” for me - got me mota back

Just spent the last 3 hours washing, touching & bonding - the missus ain’t half jealous (or thankful!)

Merry Christmas and have a Honda New year

Excellent news . Just stop polishing it and get out and drive the thing!!

velly melly chrimbo and honda new mota…

Well done Pesky, I look forward to a passenger lap at Croft. Nice to speak to you earlier

Good news. Waiting for mine to come back hopefully end of this week.

Thanks mucho for the ‘quick’ trip in the ExigeR, it’s certainly very very quick and doesn’t blur your vision anymore like the K.
I am mightily impressed by the conversion as well, looks like the Honda moota should have always been in there.
You looked pleased as a dog with two willies yesterday evening when I saw you.

Good on ya mate.

Cheers Everyone

Jaycee - At my age, just “one” would do

And a new ‘status’ to go with the new moota Mr Pooh-Bah keep it up and you’ll soon be at ‘RSI’ status

Great stuff Pesky. Enjoy

Hey, congrats Pesky!

Come on then, what’dya think?! Nitrons too?


Good on you Pesky!

Happy like a dog with two willies… yep, I can envision that

Nice one Rob - can I have the boxes to play with?

Come on then, what’dya think?! Nitrons too?


Apart from driving 20 miles on the Mway to home (in the rushour/darkness), & taking Jaycee out for a 2 mile blast later on, I’ve not driven it!

However, & without “red lining” it, it seems bloody quick, with the Ivtec coming in at 5500rpm. Obviously, not driving it for 4 months, & now only in the dark, could mean that my perception of speed is not quite as accurate as it usually is - perhaps maybe not Acceleration, is “adequate” With the new Edwards Boyz silencer (& Eliseparts silenced de-cat pipe), it is remarkably quiet on tickover. Gets quite noisey in the cabin over 5500rpm, but at this stage I don’t know how it sounds from the outside.

I intend to use it today for work - 50 mile round trip on Mway, & very busy A roads, & again over the weekend.

Yep, it’s got Russ’s pre-race Nitrons (approx 1K miles on them), with the “standard” 375/425 springs.

As Jaycee says, the installation is very neat - I’ll try & take some pics soon - probably weekend, as it’s Autosport Show tomorrow, & graft on Friday.

Sounds great Pesky - must feel like a new car again.


very neet Pesky…

just need to tidy the bulkhead firewall up and it’ll look superb…

These fitters always seem to fit it back to front tho’

just need to tidy the bulkhead firewall up and it’ll look superb…

Unfortunately Mrs Pesky used all our tin foil cooking the budgie on Christmas day

These fitters always seem to fit it back to front tho’

Yeah, but it’s bloody fast when I reverse

thought maybe you had been cutting holes in it so you could see what was coming…

Blime, that is really neat!
