Maserati GS Zagato (NLC)

Right, well I know this is kind of old now, and I know that it’s not even remotely Lotus related, but, I figured some lovely photos of strangely beautiful car just about made a half decent Friday evening post…



Sorry mate, but that’s mingin!!!

Passed your test yet???

Nope, apparently I lack the Pesky gene (thank god ), Theory�s booked for the 2nd week of Feb though.


PS. Not even interesting beautiful, or at least ugly beautiful?

OMG take it away, crush it

This is a Maserati


I’m with Ian. Your version sucks David

Honestly, I never should have expected you S1 boys to understand .


tell you what an exige would look even better in those backdrops

Honestly, I never should have expected you S1 boys to understand .


Well I’m an S2 lad, and I thinks its fugly as well
Much prefer that black GT.

who who I mean who does that to a car! Dave…enjoy I saw a db7 once that they’d ba5tardi2ed and that was just as sh1t3! You’re right about S1 owners tho …