manual windows

my n/s window will not shut correctly .it wont go right to top at front part of window if i adjust it so it does close correctly at front back part of window will not go right up . i am adjusting with 2 8m bolts in centre part of window mechanism (which are connected to a small bar) am i doing correctly or is there some other adjusting method .cheers tim

my n/s window will not shut correctly .it wont go right to top at front part of window if i adjust it so it does close correctly at front back part of window will not go right up . i am adjusting with 2 8m bolts in centre part of window mechanism (which are connected to a small bar) am i doing correctly or is there some other adjusting method .cheers tim

I had the same problem and tried the same thing as you without success. I found the problem was not the normal adjustment but that the top mounting screw of the front guide rail had become loose which prevented the glass moving fully upward. If you lower the glass fully the screw is accessed from the top of the door with the screwdriver pointing to the front. It’s hard to explain but if you have a parts list it’s easier to see the location of the screw. If not and you are struggling let me have your e mail and I’ll send a sketch.

thanks i will try that but if i adjust window in a certain way i can get front end right but back end is then low .i am thinking may be regulator is worn ?

My windows are electric so not sure but all adjustment is the same so suspect all is “upstream” of the actuating mechanism. Does your window sound really rattly (sp?) when you wind it fully up or down?

yes it does. but its worse when down

I had the same problem (all be it with electric windows). It was fixed under warranty but according to the dealer it is a come problem and is something to do with a screw coming loose and preventing the window from rising fully. If you hold the window level as it goes up does it go all the way?

Does this link help ?