
To be honest I was always a Senna fan rather than Mansell but we had the rare chance to spend a weekend in Jersey and then Sunday evening have a look round the Mansell collection with Nigel himself , 20 of us had a fantastic tour of his collection then a dinner then we watched the US GP with him , what a top-top bloke ! The stories and insight into F1 at that time was amazing , I had no idea about some of the goings on , he really loved Colin Chapman & Lotus , the collection is also impressive with all his trophies from karting to F1 , I had to pinch myself a few times just to make sure it was real , it was a bit surreal watching telly with a world champion :slight_smile:

Oh wow that sounds awesome :clap:


Are Mansell’s eyebrows stuck on ?

The Mansell / Senna days were the best for me, if i’d known that you was going, you could’ve taken my FW14b engine cover and got it signed :lolno:

Always loved Mansell, to me he won in that era due to having the largest balls :slight_smile:

I’m not sure it would have fitted in my case lol
There was a full 14 in his collection :slight_smile:

It was all about balls In that age of F1 , I had no idea of all his injuries, he did some card tricks for me and others in the group and was pretty good at them , a neuro doctor told him to learn magic tricks after he lost his memory & speech due to head trauma after a crash , apparently it helps .
He was pretty critical of F1 today and said he would like to see these new 17 year olds drive the old Monster 1000+hp turbo cars with no power steering that would power wheel spin In 6th on a straight at 160mph + no car or track safety like today , different times that obviously wouldn’t be allowed today .

Gotta love a guy that punched a hole in the wall with his Indycar, drove Piquet’s car faster than him to prove a point, got punted up the chuff by Tiff in a touring car, got stopped in his Bentley for speeding outside my mother-in-law’s in Somerset and wasn’t rude to me drunk in a lift in Dubai. (Only 2 of those put him in hospital)


The wall and the lift. What do I win?

You have to get it right first Graeme! :wink:

I like Mansell too, top driver. How he kept that car in a straight line at full hammer when that rear tyre let go, still amazes me. Plus that overtake around the outside into turn 1, cant remember the track off the top of my head.

That sounds like an awesome day out you had there matey.

We have been watching some of the old 80/90s GPs since we got back , amazing how much F1 has changed .