Mallory 8th Nov

Off to Mallory for the 1st time this weekend - anyone been there before? What’s it like…any tips?

Oops. Only just spotted this, Steve. Hope you’ve had some fun. Nice little circuit, Mallory. Only a few miles from me, I’d have come along if I’d known.
I find Gerrards a bit daunting, but the Exige can carry a lot of speed through there. Perfect for passing all the slower cars on the next straight.
Let us know how you got on.

Let us know how you got on.

The day started off disappointing with a light drizzle making the circuit just a little too damp to really try. Perhaps that was just as well as it was my 1st time there and run off is limited in a few places.
If I had stopped at lunch then I would have crossed Mallory off my list of circuits and not really rushed to go back there again. However, the circuit dried out late morning and was completely dry after lunch.
It was in the time that the track was actually drying that there were 2 or 3 offs - all in the same place coming out of Gerrards and ending up in the tyre wall on the inside of the track. After the track was fully dry there were no further incidents.
Gerrards is really one big fantastic corner where you have to be brave enough not to brake too much before turning in…if ever a corner was made for the Exige…it runs on for what seems like an age. The back straight leads to a right left flick which again is fast - very little run off braking into the right means I never really got the best of of the car here. Next its up a rise to the hairpin…great for full lock, tyre squealing, and the back end stepping out if you boot it too early. Devils elbow follows and is just far enough away from the hairpin to allow you to snatch 3rd before going flat out down and left back onto the main straight and before you know it its time to try and take just a little more entry speed in Gerrards and keep it all moving in the right direction.
Maybe not the most glamourous circuit but it certainly gave me my moneys worth - helped in no small measure by some excellent attentive driving from the other SELOC’ers - on such a small circuit it would have been easy to be baulked and get frustrated.
A good turnout of mostly Lotus’s including a nearly new 340R but also a VX220, TVR and Porsche Boxter - and good to see 3 other Exiges.

A special thanks to Steve E for bring my new diffuser down and to Sinclaires for fitting it - made all the difference around Gerrards