Make the most of the Autodrome while you can.

I wonder if the locals would rather have this development over the odd bit of noise…

Shit that’s not good. Bedford has a special charm as it encourages you to leave your brain in the pit garage and go a bit mental. Have to try and get there again if it is gonna close :cry:

More importantly Michael, is this likely to impact your job?

That’s a shame!

Oh the irony of the title of Section 14 in the prospectus.

Expensive buiness this F1 driving …

That’s gonna make the hairpin much harder! Hang on, is it not going to be a circuit as well??

If it’s out of the way enough to be a circuit it’s out of the way enough to be approved as new housing (although access/amenity considerations can scupper things).

I can’t believe JP doesn’t have another location in mind reasonably closeby to continue his successful business (assuming it still is).



Brands GP Circuit anyone? :open_mouth:

Never been to MSV Bedford. Looks like I won’t get chance now

Hi Ben and everyone else,

It’s not happening for a while. I work in the old boiler building that used to pump hot water across to the hangers on the right as you go in the main gate. I also spend loads of time in the old fire station which is building 140. I’ve also worked in Hangers 1, 2 & 3. There’s a lot of history on that site.

I’ve been on the site for about 15 years and Palmers doesn’t seem as busy these days, I still think JP would have sold up though. He flys his helicopter in often and I still hear of famous people turning up. We also have a studio over the back where bands like The Foo Fighters turn up to run through there sets.

I’m self employed Ben, the job could finish tomorrow so it’s not a problem. Just means I’ll be taking an early retirement, maybe then I’ll actually get the car out the garage and use it!

They have loads of trouble with noise complaints from the locals and have spent a packet earth walls. At first I thought this would just be a threat, now it looks serious.

Almost impossible to find track days there this year, just one ish per month I think. It will be a loss, good starter track.

Yeah I will miss the place too. I used to be there all the time back in the day.

Wonder if linked to the speculation that MSV are going to buy Silverstone…?

I thought similar but didn’t think cash demands or approval of the housing application could mean they’d align; be a bold punt if he needed one for the other.

I think he’ll have Silverstone long before the development of the airfield. The word is 1 acre of the airfield is going for a million. He has 800, he’s one smart guy.