Luminition ECU

K 400 ECU,currently mapped for piper 1227 cams and Jenvy throttle bodies �150

Hi there, is this item still available? Just a few questions if it is, excuse my silly questions. Is this ECU programmable or is it premapped? If programmable, does it have the software? I assume it is a straight plug in replacement of the old one. Did you use it and if so, how did you find it? I have a 98 elise and I am looking to do some work to it and I thought that this may be a good thing to add to my new induction and exhaust kits. Any thoughts or advice?

yes its programble and plenty of places that can do that.It will only realy work with jenvy/luminition throttle bodies....a decent exhaust,including manifold...............should get at least 160 bhp but thats up in yhe high rev range and expect to have to do a bitt of neck wringing,but hey what`s fun about!