Love my Exige

hahaha! Seems like a sound bunch on this site, Yeah i agree, dont hate women at all, think ive just got a nack for picking the headaches!!!

The great thing is ive got one of my ex’s best mates after me at the moment, i just dont think im that nasty to do it just to get at her! Although the has an amazing body!!!

Anyway Sean that is a good idea about the magazine, have heard about it, but never really played any interest.


Just give her one!!! (sorry ladies).
A Circuit Driver Magazine, that is! lo
You can subscribe to the mag for 3 trial issues then if youy like it continue to subscribe, if not then you just leave it!
Its a great magazine, full of info…�3.95 per copy!

Oh yes, and stock up on Nurofen!

Bloody Hell…I only wanted to let everyone know how much I was enjoying my Exige…WHAT HAVE I STARTED…

jay, yes they are a decent bunch.I have had an S1 and now an S2.

Bertone…you Exige goes down on you more than your ex…either she never went down on you or you could make millions mate. That would be a great option to tick…
Air Con
Metallic paint
Blow Job
Sports Exhaust
Hard top

Enjoy getting in your Exige more than your partners, so here’s a question.
Getting into your Exige or getting into Angelina Jolie?..Answers on a postcard please

Enjoy getting in your Exige more than your partners, so here’s a question.
Getting into your Exige or getting into Angelina Jolie?..Answers on a postcard please

I feel this task has about the same level of difficulty as getting into your exige. I reckon Brad Pitt is no higher than an S1 sill, so stepping over him on your way into Angelina would require tha same amount of effort.

Enjoy getting in your Exige more than your partners, so here’s a question.
Getting into your Exige or getting into Angelina Jolie?..Answers on a postcard please

I feel this task has about the same level of difficulty as getting into your exige. I reckon Brad Pitt is no higher than an S1 sill, so stepping over him on your way into Angelina would require tha same amount of effort.

welcome to pure joy.the world of Exige…with or without women…
when we’v had a bit of a shouting match…I just go and sit in the Exige wishing the next track day was sooner…Its an addiction and its legal…
She goes and sits in her MiniCooper S so car differances will never be our problem…

I think Fiona is feeling a little victimised here. You guys need to find women that love the Exige as much as you do
If we have an argument then there’s a problem as we end up fighting again over who’s going to sit in the Exige

…my sons golf coach…

Sorry Sean, had to chuckle. That’s not a phrase I’d have ever thought I’d hear you’d say.


…my sons golf coach…

Sorry Sean, had to chuckle. That’s not a phrase I’d have ever thought I’d hear you’d say.


Are you sure he just didnt miss the last word off and was actually a ‘golf coach driver’!!!

My wife loves the Exige un(fortunatly) she’s pregnant and can’t get in it at the moment

…my sons golf coach…

Sorry Sean, had to chuckle. That’s not a phrase I’d have ever thought I’d hear you’d say.


Why wouldn’t you expect me to say that Ian? lol.

All is good now, I see my kids when ever I want and when ever they want and I really enjoy being single. I’m 34, but the last couple of years I have felt like I’m 19 again but with all the hindsight and experiance of being 34. Plus the older bloke thing really seems to work for some girls. I tell you what 19 year old girls now are a lot more upfront, versitile, flexible and generally down right god damn horney than when I was 19. ITS MINT!!!

Every time I get out of my car i tell my flat mate how much i love my car! I think hes getting a bit pissed off…
He owns a VX!!!