Has many people has there cars converted with this company?
Thinking of getting an already converted car and want to know peoples experiences with cars that have been converted by this company or audi conversions in general.
Lotuswerx cars are converted by Ian Birch of Dubsport fame.
He has built (amongst others):
Twin engined Golf Rallye with 2 x VR6 engines,
Worlds first MK4 Polo VR6,
MK1 Golf VR6 Turbo (mid engined & RWD),
Twin engined MK1 Golf with 2 x 16V engines on carbs + NOS,
Twin engined Caddy van with 2 x 1.8T engines (730bhp and Elise rear end),
Twin engined MK4 Golf with 2 x VR6 turbo engines (800+bhp),
Numerous (ie dozens) of 1.8T, VR6, 16V conversions (including turbos, supercharged and NOS etc).
The guy is a very good friend of mine, has built numerous car for me over the years and is a legend in VW circles.
He has now turned his attention to converting Elises including an Exige bodied specimen with a 1.9T all steel 1.8T and GT30 with circa 500bhp!!!