Lotus marketing

Anyone else find Lotus social media updates pretentious as if whoever writes them doesn’t have a clue about their cars?

This one was particularly cringy.

Here’s another masterpiece of marketing flannel.

Rather than making me think wow I need to take a closer look at one of these cars, it’s annoying me instead…and I’m a lotus fan.

wot a load of bollocks.


What absolute tosh. That really is an embarrassment .

Has JMG been on the Napoleon? Whoever wrote that needs a career in mealy mouthed politics…

Wot they need is a good sub-editor( like what I am) rather than some beardie hipster spouting vacuous gibber.
My dear eldest son has been drawn into the world of arty-farty management-speak. He’s now busy re-imagining the aesthetic of adidas classics. . . But getting well paid for it and the bugger’s more likely to get an RS4 than I am

Not just Lotus, they’re all at it now “lifestyle” is the standard marketing tool.

Have a look at any car manufacturer’s website for similar gems, eg. BMW’s ‘Unleash your inner rebel’ (X2) and the rather worrying ‘Icon of Gran performance’ (Concept M8).




Now … what they shoulda,said in BOLD letters is…


Not as bad as the Alfa Stelvio TV ad, I have to turn the sound down for that one :wink:

That Jeep one is worse…

What they shouldn’t of said is that they would have never gone front wheel drive, as 50/50 perfect drivers car. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: 2 series weird looking thing anyone? It’s a Mini. But even weirder looking!

Because they never fitted a bigger/second battery/large screenwash reservoir to make it it 50/50!! :wink:

Lets not even talk about the ‘big brakes’ that aren’t not so big. Or have plastic pistons that go all wibbley.

Ultimate driving machine. LOL!
