Lotus in the Peak 2016

Just a quick post to say Lotus in the Peak takes place on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July this year, in the Derbyshire Peak District as before.
Have a look at the LitP page on midlandslotus.co.uk. We also have a Facebook page now :sunglasses:

Hope to see some of you there. There is a rumour going round that Jonnyfox will be revealing his freshly restored chrome orange s1 - but will it win Car of the Day? :astonished:


Along with the exiges.com Anglesey Day, this is an event you should make every effort to get to. Dean & his team do a wonderful job in organising this & nigh on 200 Lotuses from all eras make this a great day out/spectacle.

Sorry I won’t be there myself, but for all those that will be - enjoy! :smiley:

Totally agree, this is a really great event!!

I’m going to try and get there but can’t ignore the fact that I will have spent Mon-Fri the week prior at Spa/Zolder!!

Benja there is a pic of your motor on the Facebook page, have you seen it?

I have now!!

My car does not look like that anymore :smiley:

A quick heads up to remind you good people of this event. 79 cars booked on the runs already so we are on course to beat our attendance record from last year (100 on the run and another 80 at Chatsworth).

If you fancy it head over to the online store at midlandslotus.co.uk.



We are now up to 85 cars!


In other news Central Lotus (the new Lotus dealer in Nottingham) have kindly agreed to sponsor this year’s event. They will be bringing along an Exige 350 plus an Evora 400 and an Elise 250 Cup.

I’m oot this year :frowning: Cub-Camp logistics for my eldest get in the way. I’m away the week prior at Spa/Zolder so I did not have anywhere to hide…

Next year hopefully.

Never mind Benja. Next year it is :slight_smile:

Only four weeks to go to LitP 2016!
We are over the 100 car mark for the runs now, with another dozen or so pre paid for Chatsworth only which is well up on what we have had at this stage in previous years. It is shaping up to be our best event yet (if it doesn’t pee down all day of course).
We have at least one Exige with tartan seats booked on as well!

Hope to see some of you guys there.



I wish I could of had the car finished let alone have the time to come over at the moment. Have a great day Dean, superb job. This time next year…

Jonny we will miss you that’s for sure. That Car of the Day trophy will have to wait!

We are 20 percent up on last year’s numbers so far by the way - 109 paid up for the runs alone!
That is going to make for an awesome 4 mile procession in to Chatsworth!

Hope to see some of you there


Hugely impressive again buddy.

117 Lotuses on the runs and procession!

Another 20 paid up for Chatsworth only!

We predict 215 cars in total at Chatsworth if it is fine :slight_smile:

Hope to see you there

Dean B on behalf of the LitP organising team

Sounds as if it is going to be a spectacular turn out again. :clap: