Original Lotus Motorsport GT3 front clam in GRP with recesses for Aerocatches - �1600
Original Lotus Motorsport GT3 front clam in GRP with recesses for Aerocatches - �1600
Sooooooo tempting!!
Do you have the rear?
I’m guessing it won’t be a straight swap with aero catches and probably the need for wheel spaces spaces and other bits…
I would so love that as well, but you are right you need the back as well…
I managed to buy a set of 21in AMG rims (different specs front/back) one at a time as and when they came up, so I’m sure a rear clam would only be a matter of time.
I have a 3 piece rear coming to
1st April.
1st April.[/quote]
what it looks like when it is fitted?
Pant wee!
Would be costly after removing oil coolers etc tho I guess
It won’t be to much once you sell your standard clam back on ect, moving the oil coolers won’t take much work. I’d rather fit the gt3 front than upgrade to the 2010 front clam as a few people seem to be doing.
Oil coolers are basically mounted on the side of the crashbox anyway, you’d only need another couple of brackets fabricated