Lotus Eagle ?

I was talking to someone who works for Lotus last week and he mentioned the upcoming 2+2 currently called the Lotus Eagle.

Anyone else heard about it ? Engine ? Spec ?

Yep, it was in EVO and autocar last year. Looks like it will be a front engine V6 with ‘occasional’
rear seats. It will be out in 2008. I believe the 2+2 has taken the Esprit replacement launch date as the Esprit has been put back to 2009 ish. Personally I think Lotus needs a car like this car to widen it’s appeal and to survive.

Scott Walker @ B&C mentioned this to me when I picked up my S. I had my heart set on an Esprit as and when its ready but he was convinced this would be more my biscuit.

but he was convinced this would be more my biscuit.

And more to the point, his daily bread