LOTUS Decals wanted

I want the words LOTUS in fairly big letters (in gold) to go on my spoiler/ rear wing

Any suggestion on source , looked all over EBay


Vinyl cut lettering, Should be loads in your area. If you need artwork done pm me

Give this guy a call.

His name is Paul, his number is 07850 666891. He runs his own little sticker making business. He is very good, really quick and very reasonably priced.

Tell him Sean sent ya.

[quote=SeanB]Give this guy a call.

His name is Paul, his number is 07850 666891. He runs his own little sticker making business. He is very good, really quick and very reasonably priced.

Tell him Sean sent ya. [/quote]


Thanks I may just need to do that !!


Thanks I’ll do that

And on a sort of connected theme - does anyone know the correct font used for the “LOTUS” decals that the F1 cars use?

Edited: It’s called Adroit URW