Lotus Day Out At Duxford Airfield.

Hi Everybody,

We are organising a Lotus Day Out on Sunday May 9th at the Imperial War Museum Duxford Airfield near Cambridge.We have been allocated a special parking area limited to 40 cars with a concessionary admission charge. This allows you to visit all of the exhibition hangers as well as aircraft and vehicles on display outside.
A good friend of ours Clive Denny (who is a pilot and fly’s vintage aircraft including Spitfires) is trying to put on a Flying Display on the Island of Malta and needs lots of money to be able to make this happen. This Display will be called ‘Merlins over Malta’ to commemorate that most famous Rolls Royce Aero Engine and this day at Duxford will help to raise some funds for that cause. All being well ther will be a Spitfire and a Hurricane on our side of the flight line for us to admire at Very close quarters.

We are sharing the day with several other car clubs so we would like a full compliment of Hethels finest in order to outshine the opposition.(we have 40 spaces in the special parking area and these will be on a first come first served basis) so we need to know if you are coming A.S.A.P.
We will be there officially as Lotus Drivers Club but we really need Exige owners to come for the day out.
If you have never been to Duxford before it’s well worth a visit. PLEASE E-Mail us at [email protected] as soon as you can with a YES or no and if it’s yes please tell us your cars Reg Number as this will allow you into the special parking area.

Many Thanks and Best Regards Martin and Steve.