Lotus Day @ Knockhill - 28th August

All day, open pitlane, Lotus only track day at Knockhill with support from Lotus OLC who will be bringing up two Elise 111S S2’s with instructors. Knockhill instructors will also be available for free instruction. Day will run from 9.00am-7.00pm with lunch included. Other activities include quad biking and 4x4’s. All for approx �100 (depending on numbers). If you want to attend, can you email Tut direct, who has done a LOT of the organising for this event. (Nice one Tut!) [email protected] on any lurking, Scottish Exige owners - you can’t miss this one!Any Sassenachs fancy a trip up to the wilds of Bonnie Scotland? [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image]Cheers.

Fantastic effort! Unfortunately I can’t join you on this occasion - moved up to Edinburgh a while ago but my Exige will not be delivered until 6th September. Boohoo.Have fun on 28th and see you at the next one! Roland

One week out - booger! Anyway, more than welcome to pop up to spectate if you like.