Lotus branded soft shell jacket

Sometime ago I found on the interweb a discreetly branded soft shell jacket .
Now I want one but cant find the site
Anybody found anything ??
Dont want anything covered in advertising …just a simple Lotus logo word. :sunglasses:

The online shop shut down some time ago. You can but from Hethel or the shop on Regent street.

i puchased a 0-seams soft shell jacket from them a couple of years ago. It is very good. Just a single Lotus logo and some yellow binding on the inside. It is made in Italy. They were mighty expensive on the web-site but always on offer. I think it may have been about £100.

I do not think you can get them any more. I was in the regent street shop earlier this year and they did not have any. Mind you, they had no customers either and it was a packed Regent Street. That shop must be a money drain.