Lotus at Le Mans 2002?

Check this out - bloody nice mota [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image] http://www.maisonblanche.co.uk/nw020102.html PS also follow the link (just below the piccie) to Motorsport Altschach for some more photos - I want one [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image][This message has been edited by Pesky (edited 06 January 2002).]

I think that’s the same car that was being sold by Oakfields a few months back - we could have had that ourselves if we had clubbed together soon enough. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/frown.gif[/image] Oh well, looks like it’s gone to a good home. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]

Seem to remember it was being sold without an engine though!

Just a minor detail Matthew. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image]I thought we were just gonna sit in it and go “vroom, vroom”. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]