LOTRDC Donny Gallery is up

Our gallery from another great day of racing clicky

Racing hightlights for me were :

Race1, Gav glued to the rear of the ex-F1 star (and what a superb drive Martin put in)

[image]tsuphoto.com - tsuphoto Resources and Information.

Race2, Chris doing a superb job of hassling Mr Kell, some great moves into Redgate sir

[image]tsuphoto.com - tsuphoto Resources and Information.

Chris (EVOSAL) also won

“larget flame out” award of the day … from me anyhow

fantastic pics again guys.

Will deffo be ordering a few from that set Ben. Would llike a copy of that one with me and teh old man.

I had two or three times this weekend gone where I felt a little tug on my leg only to turn aroubd to this face (not the ugly one)

I dont usually do cuteness but Chris’s young daughter has such a happy little outlook she gives a picture opportunity everytime I see her…

Sounds like an awesome race weekend. Best so far perhaps? I spent it on call, apart from the horrid trackday on the friday.

Top stuff - Chris P and Andrew Kell are for me, the two drivers who have made the most progress over the season so far. Nice one.

Can’t WAIT to see the host-ups of the Motors-TV coverage… that’s all I get to see down the arse end of the world