LoT Cadwell Park 20/3/17

Just signed up for this one - never been to Cadwell Park before but always wanted to. Probably going to stay in or near Lincoln the night before. Got 2 Seloc pals in Elises coming too. :smiley:

Booked @ £99.00, a bargain :slight_smile: , a couple of NYLOC have also booked :sunglasses:

Cadwell is awesome! Have been for the past couple of years - it is a really testing track with some fantastic corners.

Clutch packed up last year & had to get the RAC to trailer me home…

Have a great day.


Exige is up and running then?

It’s still at the garage having the engine rebuild , I thought it would’ve been ready by now :unamused: , so I could’ve run it in but it’s looking like i’ll just be a moving chicane. :blush:

I have the 340r as a reluctant back up but only if the weather is excellent.

Best of luck, mate!

Really excited for this one, hopefully catch some of you there. I’ll be in the yellow Exige S2. Cheers.

Sadly it was a washout. Someone spun (aquaplaned) within a few minutes of the start, and with a lot of standing water we all had to wait until after lunch. With the rain still falling at that point I headed back to London and was home in time to feed my son, so there was a silver lining…! Sad not to get much track time but with the barriers that close and rain falling it was probably the right decision from LoT. Until next time…

I decided yesterday not to bother due to my Exige still having it’s engine rebuild and the weather forecast wasn’t ideal for the 340R :cry:

Figured you wouldn’t bother in the 340R… good decision. There were a couple of 2-11s there looking decidedly damp. I don’t know if they ended up going on track later in the day, I hope so for those that had the time to hang around.