LOT at Oulton

Anybody up for this next Friday 28th October?


…probably an anniversary of me meeting you and asking to buy your car…which had been in my garage for 6 or more years.

Can’t make it, try Donington on the 31st, much safer, but I do like OP.

Hi Keith, hope you’re well, be good to see the old girl again sometime :sunglasses: Hope you’re enjoying the Cat ownership? Ironic that I sold my S1 Exige to you and then went out and bought an R300, still miss both cars :frowning:

Can’t do 31st unfortunately due to work commitments.

Nice to meet you on Friday. Your car is spectacular! :slight_smile: Was great to be out on track with another S1.

Apart from the wet track in the morning I really enjoyed Oulton. I assume it was one of you guys in the black and red s1? That thing looked stunning.
I’m at donington on Monday too in the primer grey V6.

Oulton’s always great but it was bloody slippery in the morning, especially coming down Hill Top into Hislop’s chicane. Had a couple of ‘straight-on lock-ups’ there! :lolno:

The afternoon dried up nicely and actually seemed to have more grip than usual

Only one incident of note during the day though which was pretty good given the conditions. Hope the poor chap gets sorted and back on the road/track ok

Was my car, really was damp and the standing water made it even worse! Hope all those had off’s are not terminal.
I asked on here if anyone was going, would have popped over had i known :slight_smile:


Hissy’s chicane was great fun in the wet, but glad they have resurfaced Druids it had so much more grip. Your cars all looked great. I only really spoke to Jabbs, must get better at saying hello.

I was the Laser Blue S1. :slight_smile:

Was good to see yours and the orange one playing together! Will pop over next time :slight_smile:

Got a couple of pics from the day but unfortunately didn’t get yours :frowning:

Sharky, was good to meet you too, you were certainly peddling you K very well :clap:


Cheers. :slight_smile: It was lots of fun and really the first time I’ve got to drive the car properly after a number of problems over the last year.

Here are some ginger laps on a very damp track. :slight_smile:

Clear Track - Damp Oulton Park - Oct 2016 - YouTube