Looking for Link to Old Lotus Video

I wonder if anyone can help me with this quest?

I saw an online video a few years ago about Lotus. It had interviews with various employees of the company including someone from the Motorsport Division explaining who they were and what they did. Part of the interview was shot in the workshop and in the immediate background was a silver Exige with the rear clam off. I think that vehicle was mine when it went in for an engine refresh.

I can’t seem to find a copy of the video now - ring any bells with anyone?


It might be from a series called “BEST OF BRITISH” when they featured Lotus… it was filmed in 2003… dukevideo.com made the DVD but I think I got it on Amazon

Thanks - that’s a good start.

Dates may fit, checking my records, I have a dyno print out from Scholar (Lotus subbed the engine rebuild to them) dated 11th July 2002 and a repair order from Lotus dated 18th July 2002.

Edit: That’s the one!

Best of British: Lotus - YouTube

Many thanks :clap:

Is there a way to download it from Youtube or take screen shots?

:clap: well done!

[quote=“stevegreen101”]Thanks - that’s a good start.

Dates may fit, checking my records, I have a dyno print out from Scholar (Lotus subbed the engine rebuild to them) dated 11th July 2002 and a repair order from Lotus dated 18th July 2002.

Edit: That’s the one!

Best of British: Lotus - YouTube

Many thanks :clap:

Is there a way to download it from Youtube or take screen shots?[/quote]

It just sounded too familiar…

You’re welcome. Isn’t that what these blogs are all about? Helping one another?

My beer of choice is Švyturys Ekstra. A Lithuanian beer…

Steve just Google You tube downloader - there are quite a few available for free and covert to a .mp4, I use a video grabber I have on Any Video Converter, that works ok but you have to be watching it while it does its thing

<@¿@> - you might be out of luck, my local Morrisons has reduced stocklines recently. :wink:

AndyD - thanks, will give that a go later.