Longtime lurker finally joins in...

Well, have been a lurker for ages now and finally decided to join in the fun! Most people might recognise me as Phil-CH from the Pistonheads-forums.

Live in Zurich, Switzerland and am turning 24 in June this year (2007).

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

conceptics (Phil)

powered by Bemani.

Awesome, grey ones are really growing on me.

Is that the extreme graphite grey?


Yep, that would be Graphite-Grey. Simply love that purple / blue-sh tint that you get in the sun… makes it more blue than grey.

Welcome Phil

Great photos. I’m really loving the second picture

Love the top one (black forest?), and the one by the lake is also absolutely fab .

Welcome .


Welcome Phil

Great photos. I’m really loving the second picture

Love the 3rd…did you photoshop it?

Thanks guys! Really appreciated!


Nope, 3rd isn’t photoshoped. Straight from my Nikon D70 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens!


Yep, first picture (as are the other ones with snow in the forrest) is from the Black-Forrest! Tend to hang out quite a bit outthere… driving there is so much more pleasant than here in Switzerland with Police & co. breathing down your neck…


great pics,love the 3rd one


I’m from Zurich too


I’m from Zurich too

Nice to meet ya! What kind of an Exige do you drive? By any chance a chrome orange one? I’'ve seen one a couple of times in the city…


I’m from Zurich too

Nice to meet ya! What kind of an Exige do you drive? By any chance a chrome orange one? I’'ve seen one a couple of times in the city…

no silver S1 (2001) almost stock - I’d prefer chrome orange or scandal green or yellow yummie but there was only a silver one available at that time (I wanted one with with warranty, so ‘Lotus West’ was the only choice).

However, would be great to meet you for a run or two you can e-mail me on daniel at dko . ch if you want I’m always keen to meet other enthusiasts around my area

some pics click here for pics

Very nice car Daniel! Would love to catch up sometime - I wrote down your email and will let you know when I’ll be taking the car out for a run! Hopefully, the temperatures will go up again quick - fingers crossed here that it won’t snow in Zurich over the next few days!

BTW; nice photos!

Cheers Phil

Thanks guys! Really appreciated!


Nope, 3rd isn’t photoshoped. Straight from my Nikon D70 with Nikkor 70-200mm lens!


Yep, first picture (as are the other ones with snow in the forrest) is from the Black-Forrest! Tend to hang out quite a bit outthere… driving there is so much more pleasant than here in Switzerland with Police & co. breathing down your neck…

What are you camera settings for pics 2 and 3?
I’ve got a Canon 400D but no idea how to use it.


I would have to check both pics. I used the default lens with the 2nd pic (Nikkor 28-70mm). Apeture was probably around 8F to 11F (that’s what I usually use at night to get reasonably depth of sharpness on that lens).

The 2nd pic is probably around 5.6 if not lower as the Nikkor 70-200mm lens is very fast lens (2.8G).

Shutter length was automatically determined by the camera in both pictures. White-balance on automatic.

Cheers Phil


no silver S1 (2001) almost stock - I’d prefer chrome orange or scandal green or yellow yummie but there was only a silver one available at that time (I wanted one with with warranty, so ‘Lotus West’ was the only choice).

Hey Daniel,

Saw you today in Zurich, driving past the Sihlpost at exactly 6 p.m.! Was just on my way to the main station… Very nice car!

Cheers Phil

[Hey Daniel,

Saw you today in Zurich, driving past the Sihlpost at exactly 6 p.m.!

Hi Phil, yes that was me then - on my way home, could have been home at 6.05pm because I live just around the corner, but I decided to do a little ‘detour’ out of the city and enjoy Albispass, Buchenegg and so on for an hour or so - as long as the roads were dry we really are so fortunate to have such fantastic cars, aren’t we?

Hi Phil, yes that was me then - on my way home, could have been home at 6.05pm because I live just around the corner, but I decided to do a little ‘detour’ out of the city and enjoy Albispass, Buchenegg and so on for an hour or so - as long as the roads were dry we really are so fortunate to have such fantastic cars, aren’t we?

Indeed - though I must admit, I’m very disturbed by our road policies. We might have some of most beautiful roads (Gotthard, Julierpass, Fl�ela…), but with all the speeding cameras, I really don’t think I’d want to be driving around here anymore. Luckily the black-forrest is so near by… not as nice, but with the wide roads and little traffic, it’s a very good alternative to be able to enjoy the car.

Did you at least enjoy the run? Albispass is quite nice area! Too bad it snowed again - really hope they take it easy with the salt. I was hoping to get mine out of the garage by end of the week, but with winter coming back, I might hold of until next week. Oh well… fingers crossed that Spring will be back before the Easter break…

Spring finally arrived over here, so of course I had to take out the car for a spin.

First time with the Bemani race exhaust and sports-cat and F*CK ME it’s loud! Any concerns about the Bemani supercharger being too loud are no longer relevant - full throttle and all you hear in the cabin is a very, very brutal noise off the exhaust. It’s so loud, that I’m even afraid of putting down the foot while being in a tunnel…

The best thing though, is when you hit the rev limiter - the pops and bangs sounds as if someone fires a rifle out the back of the car!

Will definately get some recordings done and will post.

As you can see on the pictures, I had the exhaust installed in stage-2 style, with the exhaust facing the ground rather than out the back. Like it quite a bit better that way.

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur

[image]conceptics.com — Software-Engineer, Photographer and Entrepreneur