Long time no post! But finally off to NZ!

Hiya all,

Sorry not been around for a bit, been keeping me head down trying to get as much work done as possible…

As today I’m on the loooooong flight to NZ! Wooohooo!!!

Just wanted to say have a great xmas and new year! I’ll try and post up if I find an internet connection

And already I’ve been told of a few roads I must drive out there, the greatest roads in the world apparently

And keep pesky under control eh?

Cheeky Monkey

Have a great trip - keep us posted if you can

Wonder if you’ll bump into Ian Wilson?

Spoken to Ian, so should bump into him on purpose

Plus if I can borrow a half decent car then he’ll be able to get me on a trackday too LOL!

Watch out as the Cops have speed dectors that get you coming towards them in their cars…and at this time the raods in NI are crawling with 'em…
Never the less you will enjoy every mmile

In the South Island they have speed cameras just sat by the roadside in the middle of nowhere, weird!

I drove from Queenstown to Christ Church via the West coast and over the mountains (about 500 miles on B roads) in one day. Because they mark suggested speeds for bends it is much less tiring and it was a fantastic journey (even in a Corolla sedan). It’s not everyday you can sit on a glacier looking out over the ocean eating your sandwiches!

Have a GREAT trip Mark!


say hello to mr wilson for me

Also have a nice chrimbo and get some stories to tell us