LMCorse dash - know anything about it?

Not after @JDS , sorry buddy

That sounds exactly what I am after.

If my dash doesn’t look something like this I’ll be disappointed

I’ll need to make it fit your current dash, so some bits might be a little tweaked to suit.
Nothing will move mind!!
Have a think of what you want to be able to see. Let me know what SCS can send from your ECU - even if it’s their full fat CAN output as AIM seem to have the overlay - and we can go from there.
The downside at the moment is getting goodies from AIM due to lack of/redesign chips/boards.
Could do you the same sort of set up with MoTeC stuff, but you may need to give me the keys to your house as payment!

Will ask the question of what they have achieved so far with regard to the Honda stuff and let you know.

All of this ^

The market is pretty much split in two for digidashes, you either get something PnP with a nice shroud integration, no wiring requirements but at the cost of getting something with minimal configuration and freedom. OR you get something that is completely open, but will arrive blank, in a box - with a packet of pins and a link for some software.

Messing with CAN is mind blowing at first, but being able to do the basics (I only just play at it, really) lets you setup some pretty cool stuff.

The best thing about CAN in the aftermarket world is that it’s almost always open, and vendor agnostic - so you can connect an SCS Delta with a Haltech X and an ECUMaster Y and get it all logging to an AIM Dash or whatever.

RRR had an opportunity to do something with the ECUMaster dash that I use, they were working on a proper PnP kit for it - wiring harness, 3D printed or Carbon option shroud, little control pad, etc - it was all very promising… until they realised just how many subtle variations of dash shroud, can stream and dash harnesses existed in the Lotus world and they just couldn’t make it a viable project. My Exige was the prototype shroud, which I modified for the 2-Eleven - but if you bought one yourself today you’d be left having to figure something out yourself, unfortunately. (3D Printer files do exist online from people in the US who have been working on it).

I honestly think getting my dash is the best car modification I’ve ever made, ever. I’m not too precious about the fact it’s an ECUMaster model - it could have been anything really with a similar featureset. The ability to use it as a CAN hub in my car, expand the IO of my ECU, datalog and also be a smart relay for some outputs is just massive - the fact I get a pretty dash (well, as pretty as I can be bothered to make it!) with flashing shift LEDs is a by-product.

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Just heard back from LM about the S1. At this point the board is not complete, but they are working on it.


Just checked the data sheet on the ADU and cannot see my ECU listed but Ill await a reply from SCS to validate they can throw out all the data via CANBUS.

Looks like lots to read and play about with to get where I want.

Edit : I am pretty sure my delta 800 throws all the info out : SCS-Delta_GDI+SDI+800_100_eng.pdf (aim-sportline.com)

SCS Delta ECUs always broadcast the proprietary data stream on CAN 1

I suspect all that is, is that the ADU does not have a prebaked config in it for the SCS ECU, so you’d have to write one yourself (or have SCS help you with it, it’s not that hard tbf).

When you install the ADU client, it comes bundled with a load of .canx template files to import - this is a screenshot of mine:

They do firmware updates every few months, and new .canx’s occasionally appear. Worst you could do is e-mail [email protected] and the SCS equivelant and see if they’d be willing to help you out with one. If they say no, it’s all doable manually. The Lotus CAN Stream has about 6 things in it, so replicating that should be very quick/easy - then you can build on that.

I effectively did this to get my ADU working with the stock ECU before I put the EMU in.

Actually, scrub that - I scrolled down. SCS Delta is already listed

ECUMaster documentation is out of date. Shock horror.

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Thats 2 avenues to explore

  1. AIM MXS
  2. ECUMaster

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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List of attributes in the SCS .canx file for info:

Ah wow!


Those look like a great starter for 10.

Yep that’s defo a good start. The good thing is, the ecu.XXXX attribute names are all the same across streams, so you could take a dashboard that has been ‘designed’ for instance by a knobhead like me, swap out the CAN stream and everything would largely just work for you to then reverse engineer and tweak/change as you see fit.

Don’t rule out the AIM, because all the same capabilities will likely exist there too - for me I went EMU purely because RRR offered to prototype an adapter harness and shroud for me.

I ended up remaking the harness for the 2-Eleven, it’s quite therapeutic with the right tools because all the pinouts are well documented. That just leaves you needing to figure out how to make it fit in your car.

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Thanks John

Are you going to be selling the LM dash?

That’s the plan, should have some stock in the first week or so in July.

Great John, let me know when you have stock

I have a GARW dash which i was hoping to get with my Motec ECU alas no dice, so i need to get either an Aim or a Motec dash.

I guess its MXG for a S1 or a Motec C127, or a ECU master ADU

LMCorse dash now in stock for all S2’s,S3’s and VX220. S1 being worked on by LMCorse currently.

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Can you add a camera yet ? Not a lot of info on web