Live F1 - Turkey

Link copied from Seloc:

That reminds me, there must be some wet paint that I can watch dry…

That reminds me, there must be some wet paint that I can watch dry…

Totally agree viz the races - can’t remember the last time I watched one.

Practice is different though

You should both try again and see what they’re like this season

I really enjoyed the last race (bar Kovalainen’s crash). If you ignore the bloody ferrari’s parade lapping round at the front then there’s some good racing going on behind them.

The live timing on the F1 site also helps, for when the TV director can’t take the footage off the front runners.

Seeing F1 live I’m sure is great and I do intend to see F1 at Spa sometime during my lifetime, but watching F1 on TV is quite frankly… DULL (imho of course )… when races are decided on pit strategy instead of ‘balls out’ overtaking then it’s time to change the rules to make it more like ‘racing’ - FFS even enduro’ racing is more entertaining.

Why can’t F1 be more like the A1GP ?

Friday clearout sorted

You should both try again and see what they’re like this season

I really enjoyed the last race (bar Kovalainen’s crash). If you ignore the bloody ferrari’s parade lapping round at the front then there’s some good racing going on behind them.

The live timing on the F1 site also helps, for when the TV director can’t take the footage off the front runners.

Disagree. The last race was a boring parade. Even further down the field, although there was some close following, there was almost no passing. It may be the test venue of preference but its rubbish for racing. Fortunately I had it on SkY+ so watched most of it at 6x speed.

Hoping Turkey this weekend is better, as the earlier races this season have been more entertaining.

Link copied from Seloc: >

Or if you just want the timings

Just watching it now - bloody great without James Allen

Pit garage coverage excellent too.

Only in UK

The weather’s good here too Andy.

HMMM . . technology at the D Sport does not allow viewing of live video. Sort of knew that but tried anyway and it crashed my computer. Better get some work done then . . .

Thanks for that link Mr P - F1 in the garden on the lappy � niiiice
