LHD S1 2,300 miles for sale in USA!


Is also on www.ebay.com at $48,900.

Its got a very interesting history!

Well worth a look!

After a certain date, I thought S1s could be crushed if not removed from the country. Although I doubt that includes track cars.


After a certain date, I thought S1s could be crushed if not removed from the country. Although I doubt that includes track cars.


Yeah - seen this one for sale before and wondered why it had a license plate on it.

Track only is fine, but S1 defo not legal on the road in the US beyond the temporary use exemption. Not even under the “Significant Historical Importance” exemption. Remember some guy was trying to get this invoked for the S1 Exige & 340R, but had it rejected…

Coolant looks a little over-full Can’t be too many K-series engines Stateside!

This is one of the 13 Exiges brought in by Lotus USA for track use only (I have one of the others).

There are less than 100 S1 cars here via the same method - from memory there are:

43 Sport 190s
13 340R’s
13 Exiges
13 Motorsport Cars

Certain States allow a special plate for “show and display”. Otherwise, you can do many things to bend the law to put a plate on a car.

worth noting that the chassis number is 252 - for the other thread on logging S1 manufacture…

This is one of the 13 Exiges brought in by Lotus USA for track use only (I have one of the others).
13 Exiges
13 Motorsport Cars

Meat - I’m sure you have researched this but the ad for this car states "This is a rare Series 1 Lotus Exige which was 1 of 8 legally imported by Lotus Cars USA for “track use only”. "

The wireweel website also hasa Motorsport Elise for sale stating "One of 7 imported into the US by Lotus Cars "

All I have heard is that there were 13 brought in by Lotus USA.

While I don’t know where all the cars are - I have personally seen at least 6 (One black, two AL (including the one for sale), two Yellow and one red).

If you knock that imported number down it makes the car more rare, right?