front smoked indicator lenses are cool…i wanna do the same on back…am i right in sayin the rear indicator lenses and brake light covers are the same? all clear at the back…reverse light clear and fog light in the bin and a fia rain light in its place…sexy.
The front smoked indicator lenses are a slightly different shape to the rears - but its not really noticeable.
I bought some to replace the yellow rears but wanted to keep the red rears. I think they look a bit lexus-light chavesque with everything clear at the back.
There was an S1 Elise with white rear light @ Oulten Park when I was there still gave out a decent amount of light
after seein the above im thinkin…homo. lol,ill leave is a bit lexus hat wearin full tilt, tracksuit bottoms with white socks and shoes
quote]There was an S1 Elise with white rear light @ Oulten Park when I was there still gave out a decent amount of light
[image][/image] [/quote]HEY nice van in the background