LeMans Camping

Tried the other threads to a blank, I am also looking for camping tickets for LeMans this year, even the ACO has a waiting list, must have been the sun last year that upset supply. Anyone know any other sources??

quote:Originally posted by Loteuk:Tried the other threads to a blank, I am also looking for camping tickets for LeMans this year, even the ACO has a waiting list, must have been the sun last year that upset supply. Anyone know any other sources??Try Motor Racing International. They had packages still available. As for campsite tickets on their own, I doubt you will find any as I searched for a week… Good Luck

Or you could go to Chanteloupe with us…but it is not on the circuit.

Loteuk,Are Loteuk and ADL one and the same? Anyway, I previously posted this on the Meets and Track Day Reports area for ADL:"Just turn up - go to Parking Bleu and put your tent up! (By Thurs evening!) They will NOT throw you out. Alternatively there are plenty of camp sites around and about - you just have to drive a bit. Not coming to Le Mans because you haven’t got a camp site ticket is a bit like not going to the beach because you forgot your trunks - swim in your underwear!"Or, as Russ says, come to Chanteloupe or any one of many campsites around the place.You do not say that you are looking for a particular campsite and you can buy race tickets easily at the circuit so there is no need to book in adavnce. Trust me, I’ve been going for many years. You will be made welcome by thousands of car-mad brits. Mike

Mike/Russ et alHaving camped at Beaumont last year, it is a little too far out but we don’t want to camp on the circuit (too old to cope!)Do you know of any campsites around Arnage or anywhere else where you can walk to the circuit at night after a few beersRegards - David

Have already booked ferry crossing and was looking for camping inside the circuit, have been in most places during the past 14 visits to the 24 hour.MRI would only give a discount of 75 quid cos I got the ferry sorted and their hospitality isn t up to much anyway (done it as they were previously known too) - oh, that was from their advertised price including ferry crossing…(I know, why did nt I take the whole lot from them but I took someone elses fare who coul dnt make it)Anyway, am open to all the options where there,s beer and totty.Not heared of the other sites, are they near to the track?Email is [email protected] Friday morning 1st sail out of Portsmouth with P&O-any good?Oh not ADL…

quote:Originally posted by The83man:Loteuk,Are Loteuk and ADL one and the same? Anyway, I previously posted this on the Meets and Track Day Reports area for ADL:MikeNo. I am ADL. I am using this id now as when the system went nuts the other week I set up a new one and cannot be bothered to go back to it.On your point though. I thought that if you wanted to get your car into the campsite that they checked for a pass. Granted, if you do not want the car near you, then you can just turn up and camp.The reason I posted is because we are taking a winnebago, a ferrari and the Exige down there, and need to park them all in one place.

quote:Originally posted by Loteuk:Have already booked ferry crossing and was looking for camping inside the circuit, have been in most places during the past 14 visits to the 24 hour.MRI would only give a discount of 75 quid cos I got the ferry sorted and their hospitality isn t up to much anyway (done it as they were previously known too) - oh, that was from their advertised price including ferry crossing…(I know, why did nt I take the whole lot from them but I took someone elses fare who coul dnt make it)Anyway, am open to all the options where there,s beer and totty.Not heared of the other sites, are they near to the track?Email is [email protected] Friday morning 1st sail out of Portsmouth with P&O-any good?Oh not ADL…See if you can cancel the ticket for the ferry and rebook via MRI. They will not charge you that much to cancel, and this would easily be offset by actually managing to get into a circuit campsite.I did the same thing, but as per the mail above, having a Winnebago meant too much hassle explaing to MRI this thing is 30 foot long and 3 metres high. Also, the cost is being divided by 9 people, thus it didn’t really make much difference. (they only offered me �50 off aswell!)Other option is to book MRI and then sell the Portsmouth crossing onto someone through one of the forums. This year, tickets have sold very quickly, and like yourself, peeople are going to be leaving it too late. You are bound to shift it.Finally, just call up someone in the site when you arrive and get them to walk their car ticket to you and drive in!! Can’t say that I have ever seen them check every car for a permit! As for hospitality, not interested in it. I just booked them for campsite and crossing.Anything offsite is just no the same!I am ADL! Mwuhahahahha

Tubbs,Unless things have changed dramatically at Le Mans, your entourage is not a problem. We’ve turned ap as late as Thursday evening and pulled into the campsite on the opposite side of the road from the Maison Blanc ticketing point. In the morning a man comes along and asks you for your camping fee and gives you a pass for the site. Put a small tent with the Ferrari and the Exige and get three passes! It is a few years since I’ve done this but it worked for years and years. In fact if you turn up on Mon/Tuesday you can often get into Maison Blanc. Unless things have changed…Mike

quote:Originally posted by David Ward:Do you know of any campsites around Arnage or anywhere else where you can walk to the circuit at night after a few beersRegards - DavidThis is a valid point. One of our party was breathalised last year (clean, so no problem, but…) and this was a first in my 15-20 years experience of Le Mans. It would seem it’s not a good idea to drink and drive around Le Mans nowadays (or ever for that matter)Mike