Le Mans Feed back

Just returned from Le Mans and a week in the sarf of France. Bliss!!Le Mans - best weather for a good few years 35C on Sunday & Monday!Met up with Pesky and a few of the lads at Arnage on Friday - excelent fun!The Saturday and Sunday night fireworks were fab except that we let one ICBM off that redirected itself at a French punters house and went straight into their porch and exploded. Another rocket exploded a little to low and set off a small forest fire in some allotments - took 2 fire trucks half an hour to put it out - the fire blokes took it all in their stride- no worries!!The roundabout in the Houx Annexe car park turned into a display area for burn outs and racing, only slightly marred by a 7 losing control on the straight and ploughing head first into a tree!!Photos back today, will be on either easytrack or bookatrack for viewing in 24 hours. They may shock the faint hearted.Vive le France!!

Please also see Sport 160 – Home of Team LoTRDC and http://www.infernoelise.com/lm2002.asp for our photos. I was in the Elise this time around, the Exige belongs to Matt Freestone. For both sites navigate through events to Le MansAnd yes the Houx roundabout streaker was part of our group!Cheers