Le Mans Classic


I reckon next year’s will be the last, before it gets “just too popular”.

Must admit I fancy going to it, I believe some of the NYLOC lot are going aswell. Personally im a bit cheesed off with the stag do mentallity of the normal 24hrs now.
Presume your going? Thinking of doing it then carrying on for a bit of a roam.

Aye Gav, we’ll be there

Yep a good NYLOC contingent will be going - hope it remains as it is in the future

Where is everyone stopping? Pesky you doing that chateau again? If so do you know if its booked up?

Simon, alan mentioned the NYLOC group to me but as I havnt yet managed to get over the pennines my memebership has expired so cant access it at the mo.



Probably staying at the usual place - haven’t really thought about/discussed it yet. Will keep ya posted.

Cheers mate

From what you’ve told me about it in the past, I reckon it should be on my list for next year.

Gav we are currently attempting to negotiate a discount at the place we stayed last year - excellent place, with a late bar - I’ll let you know details

Thanks, hoping to try and make the august meet to pay my dues and say hello.