Lakes Meet

Ok who is up for another Sunday meet at the Lakes Motor Museum this Month. :smiley:

i’ll come along :smiley:

Would love to, but off to France on Sunday for a couple of weeks, so only 30th works for me.

Off to Majorca Friday but could also be a possible if the 30th

Ok for me after next wednesday

I’d have a ride out to, but would have to be end of the month also… No lotus though :frowning:

Work and weather depending I might pop over

30th would be best for me, although there’s a Norlog run planned for that day

Looks as though the 30th is going to be the best, hope the weather is better by then :smiley:

Indian summer just ordered.

Noo … I need rain for a newly seeded lawn !

Approx what time do people arrive?

Usually in time get a coffee etc as soon as cafe opens,10ish, if I recall, but I’m sure the more northern gang will adjust to allow for long distance runners.

2hrs 20mins for me so if the weather is ok I may pop across, might see if some other NE lads fancy it

No can do, sorry.
Thrashing around Europe until 6 Oct

[quote=sjw]No can do, sorry.
Thrashing around Europe until 6 Oct[/quote]

That’s a pity, I was hoping you’d see it and be able to join us.

I hope this will be ok, meet at the Lakes Motor Museum for 10-10.30 have a bacon butty and coffee. If the weather is ok we could have a drive down to Bowness.

All good for me Pete

I’m still up for this :slight_smile:

Me too.