knockhill top marques

Any members north of the border up for the top marques session at KH this thursday evening. Who knows it may even stay dry!Dave

I should be there if the weather is OK (tyres are very worn). What colour/reg is your car Dave? I’m BRG and X11 GGE - well not me but my car is at least.

Hi AlleyNew aluminium, L700TUSDitto on the tyres, was at the SIDC track day on Saturday during the torrential rain, aquaplaning at 100mph on the start/finish straight was a bit hairy!Dave

Hi AllyNew aluminium, L700TUSDitto on the tyres, was at the SIDC track day on Saturday during the torrential rain, aquaplaning at 100mph on the start/finish straight was a bit hairy!Dave

I’ll be there on Thursday also - Gunmetal grey (also at SIDC day on Sat.)Ally, you have no excuses with the weather now - just pick the correct car ;-)Mike